God Is Interested In The Prosperity Of ONELGA – Dr Ogu Affirms


Hon. Kingsley Ogu Ph.D, leader and National Coordinator of the Enforcers of Good Governance, has declared that God is interested in the prosperity, peace, and progress of Ogba-Egbema-Ndoni Local Government Area (ONELGA).

Speaking at a town hall meeting at Omoku Civic Centre on Sunday, Dr. Ogu referenced Jeremiah 29:11, stating that God’s plans for ONELGA are for peace and prosperity. He said, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” He emphasized that God delights in the prosperity of all humanity, including ONELGA. Dr. Ogu highlighted the responsibility of every ONELGA citizen to contribute to the area’s prosperity, aligning with God’s purpose.

He emphasized the importance of good governance, urging every ONELGA citizen to contribute to the area’s prosperity, and highlighted the need to resist bad governance at the local level and replicate the positive impacts of Governor Sim Fubara’s leadership.

Promising to value and consider the opinions of ONELGA’s residents in his decisions, Dr. Ogu warned against politicians who only seek votes without genuine concern for the people. “They need your votes, but they won’t even come to interact with you. They don’t believe you have a say during LGA elections, but I believe you have a say, and your say counts.” He encouraged vigilance against such figures, assuring that the voice of the people matters.

The meeting underscored the collective effort needed to ensure the prosperity of ONELGA, with Dr. Ogu reiterating his commitment to listening to the people and leading with integrity.

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